"G. Dimitrov" English for the Higher Institute of Phisical Culture
Намерени книги по заглавие
Later writings by Pilgram Marpeck and his circle. Vol. 1: The Expose, a Dialogue, and Marpeck's Response to Caspar Schwenckfeld
Pilgram Marpeck
Maths Made Easy: Beginner, Ages 6-7 (Key Stage 1): Supports the National Curriculum, Maths Exercise Book (Made Easy Workbooks)
Carol Vorderman
Sofia-candidate purple XVIes jeux olympiques d'hiver en 1992 / Sofia-candidate to host the XVIth olimpic winter games in 1992
The Checklist: What You and Your Family Need to Know to Prevent Disease and Live a Long and Healthy Life
Manny Alvarez
Глобализацията: Въпроси на теорията, поглед към екологичната и социалната практика = Globalization: Questions from the Theory to Environmental and Social Practice
800 години Магни харта и голямата й дъщеря, Американската конституция / 800 years Magna Harta and her elder daughter the American constitution
How to Develop and Promote Successful Seminars and Workshops: The Definitive Guide to Creating and Marketing Seminars, Workshops, Classes, and Conferences
Howard L. Shenson
Археологически проучвания на ислямски култови сгради от XV-XVIII век / Archaelological Studies on Islamic Religious Buildings from the 15th-18th Centuries
Бони Петрунова
Нумизматична колекция на Смолянския музей V в. пр. н.е. - VI в. / Numismatic collection of historikal museum Smoljan V c. b. c.-VI a. d.
Иля Прокопов / Ilia Prokopov
800-на годишнина Магни харта и голямата й дъщеря, Американската конституция / 800 years Magna Harta and her elder daughter. The American constitution
Muzsikáljunk együtt - Klasszikus es romantikus szerzők. Négykezes zongoradarabok a zeneiskolák felső évfolyamai számára 2 / Let's make music together. Classical and romantic composers. Four-hand piano pieces for upper grades
Magda Szavai, Lili Veszpremi
International Directory of Arts / Internationales Kunst-Adressbuch / Annuario Internazionale delle Belle Arte / Annuaire International des Beaux Arts / Anuario Internacional de las Artes. 1969/1970. Vol. 2
"Ненадминат по сила и ненадминат по храброст". Българският цар Самуил († 1014) / "Invincible in Power and Unsurpassable in Bravery" The Bulgarian Tsar Samuel († 1014)
Албена Миланова, Методи Златков
11th general assembly and international symposium "The heritage and social changes" / 11e assemblee generale et symposium international "Le patrimoine et les changements sociaux"
Es Geschah an der Mauer / It happened at the wall / Cela s'est passe au mur / E accaduto al muro / Sucedio en el muro