"G. Dimitrov" English for the Higher Institute of Phisical Culture
Намерени книги по заглавие
Practical English / Практический курс английского языка
Н. К. Матвеев
Reading in English Phonetics and Phonology
Ekaterina Dimova, Rosina Petrova
Readings from English and American Literature
W. Scott, J. F. Cooper, C. Dickens, H. Beecher-Stowe, E. L. Voynich, O. Henry, H.G. Wells
Readings from English and American Literature
Regents English Workbook. Book 1-3
Robert J. Dixson
Renyi picture dictionary-Makdoniak snd English
Sophie Arthaud
Round Up - English Grammar Book 2
Virginia Evans
Russian-English scientific and technical dictionary
M. G. Zimmerman
Sanseido's New Concise Japanese-English Dictionary
Sanseidos new concise Japanese - english dictionary
Sixth form English. Pupil"s book
А. Н. Старков, Р. Р. Диксон
Speak Good English 5-th Year
L. S. Golovchinskaya
Students Favorite Dictionary Bengali to English
Ashu Tosh Dev
Teaching English as a Foreign Language
David Riddell
Tense and Voice in Modern English
E. M. Gordon, I. P. Krylova